Ray and Ramona is a young couple in their 30s. They hate the injustice of the social context they are part of. Each from their own niche Ramona as a musician, Ray as an activist tries to fight for a more just world. Devoted to self-sabotage, Ray fails in his rebellion and drags Ramona into a downward spiral that culminates in an act of poetic terrorism.
Casts: Jessy Bulbo, Andru00e9s Almeida, Flor Eduarda Gurrola, Alan Adrian, Rodrigo Corea, Pedro De Tavira, Julieta Egurrola, Aynhara Fernu00e1ndez, Gerardo Garcia, Luisa Huertas, Andrea Manuel
Director: Kyzza Terrazas
Countrys: Mexico
Watch Machete Language
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.8 | 97 | 2012-06-01 | 78 |