
On a hot summer afternoon in the sleepy town of Blackwater Louisiana, a meteor streaks across the sky and crashes through the roof of the local Natural History Museum. The meteor is actually a spaceship containing an alien life form which animates the museum’s partially frozen Woolly Mammoth and begins a rampage. Local authorities and Government Investigators join forces with Frank Abernathy, the Museum Curator, and his father Simon, a B-Movie enthusiast, to bring down the giant mammoth in this alien-invasion flick!

Casts: Vincent Ventresca, Constantin Draganescu, Summer Glau, Tom Skerritt, Cole Williams, Charles Carroll, Mark Irvingsen, David Kallaway, Leila Arcieri, Marcus Lyle Brown, Andrew Peter Marin
Director: Tim Cox, David Cain, Frank Pinnock, Simona Dinu, Amy Sanderson, Abram Cox
Countrys: USA,Romania

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
3.7 2,089 2006-04-22 90