1984. One shiny quarter. 44.5 hours of continuous play. The race to be the first gamer in history to score one BILLION points. Until recently, Timothy McVey (not the terrorist) thought he had — for all these years — held the world record on Nibbler. Note: a Nibbler cabinet will be available in the lobby for the duration of Fantastic Fest for attendees to attempt to break the current world record.
Casts: Tim McVey, Dwayne Richard, Enrico Zanetti, Tina McVey, Tom Asaki, Mark Hoff, Walter Day, Joe Ulowetz, John Jaugilas, Mike Currence, Gene Lewin
Director: Tim Kinzy, Andrew Seklir
Countrys: USA
Watch Man vs Snake: The Long and Twisted Tale of Nibbler
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
8.1 | 2,232 | 2015-09-27 | 93 |