Caleb Peterson has it all-a great job, plenty of money, and a fine fiancée in former model Paisley Terrell. They’re all set to get married just as soon as she signs a prenuptial agreement, but there’s just one problem…”Paisley don’t do pre-nups!” As war wages and trusts start to crumble, it turns into a battle of the sexes.
Casts: Patrice Fisher, Omar Gooding, Je'Caryous Johnson, Jill Marie Jones, Miguel A. Nu00fau00f1ez Jr., Davetta Sherwood, Vanessa Williams, Malik Yoba
Director: Roger Melvin
Countrys: USA
Watch Men, Money & Gold Diggers
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.3 | 37 | 2014-01-01 | 77 |