A concert to celebrate Bulgaria joining the EU is being planned at the Embassy in London and it is the job of VARADIN, the new ambassador, to ensure the Queen attends. But with corrupt staff, criminal gangs operating out of the kitchen, falling in love with a stripper and a little misunderstanding with a PR firm that provides look-alike royalties – his simple task turns into a chaotic nightmare.
Casts: Tomas Arana, Alan Ford, Ralph Brown, Andrea, Nick Nevern, Elizabeth Boag, Rosemary Leach, Atanas Srebrev, David Collings, Jonathan Ryland, Lee Nicholas Harris
Director: Dimitar Mitovski, Mila Maslarova
Countrys: Bulgaria,UK,Hungary,RepublicofNorthMacedonia,Sweden
Watch Mission London
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.7 | 5,996 | 2010-04-16 | 107 |