Sibylle, a young Parisian with long teeth, intends to shine in her new job by buying a hardware store in the Basque Country to set up a supermarket. She imagines that she has “rolled” the old owner but the latter is under curatorship. Sibylle must therefore deal with Ramon, the nephew, to recover his money and sign as soon as possible. Otherwise, the ejection seat is assured. She will soon realize that the Basques do not intend to let themselves be made by a Parisian, however pretty she is.
Casts: u00c9lodie Fontan, Florent Peyre, Daniel Pru00e9vost, Nicolas Bridet, Barbara Cabrita, Ludovic Berthillot, Ilona Bachelier, Damien Ferdel, Arielle Su00e9menoff, u00c9ric Bougnon, Yann Papin
Director: Ludovic Bernard
Countrys: France
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.5 | 320 | 2017-07-12 | 100 |