Judit Ember returns to follow the life of N贸ra Szab贸, the heroine of her documentary film 饾槢饾槩饾槸饾樀饾槹虉饾槼饾樀饾槮虂饾槸饾槮饾樀 (“Instructive Story”, 1975). The troubled young woman who formerly attempted to commit suicide by jumping off a fourth floor is now an unmarried and pregnant mother with two children. Her own mother also brought up her children in similar circumstances, in a closed community without men. But Jen艖, the unflaggingly energetic labourer and father of N贸ra鈥檚 third, as yet unborn child, brings change into their lives.
Casts: Jenu00f5 Sipos, Antal G. Vu00e9gh, Gyula Ru00e9vu00e9sz
Director: Judit Ember, Lilla Mu00e1tis
Countrys: Hungary
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.9 | 51 | 1977-02-19 | 92 |