Rome, in 73 B.C. Spartacus led the rebellion of 200 gladiators wich saw them opposed to the inhumanity which Rome had forced them into. During the riot they resisted for a long time against the roman soldiers. Few against a whole army. Some of them went crazy and started murders, rapes and violence. Spartacus punished them with dead. But in those lands, when blood gets shed, they come back …
Casts: Valentina D'Andrea, Andrea De Bruyn, Du00e9siru00e9e Giorgetti, Francesco Malcom, Giuseppe Nitti, Simone Ripanti
Director: Raffaele Picchio
Countrys: Italy
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.0 | 414 | 2011-06-02 | 83 |