Buenos Aires in the 1980s. Detective Chavez, a family man and a tough cop, once again must solve a mysterious crime. To reveal the identity of the murderer, Chavez must clarify the enigma waiting in ambush to capture his own heart. Passion surprises even the most astute detective. What will triumph: law or desire?
Casts: Demiu00e1n Bichir, Chino Daru00edn, Carlos Casella, Mu00f3nica Antonu00f3pulos, Emilio Disi, Jorgelina Aruzzi, Hugo Arana, Luisa Kuliok, Humberto Tortonese, Gino Renni, Fabiu00e1n Arenillas
Director: Natalia Meta
Countrys: Argentina
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.6 | 1,464 | 2014-05-05 | 90 |