Zero (Wagner Moura) is a brilliant scientist, but unfortunate because 20 years ago was publicly humiliated and lost in college Helena (Alinne Moraes) the love of his life. One day, an accidental experience with one of his inventions makes him travel in time, more precisely, to the past. After the chance to change his story, Zero returns to this totally changed.
Casts: Wagner Moura, Alinne Moraes, Maria Luu00edsa Mendonu00e7a, Fernando Ceylu00e3o, Gabriel Braga Nunes, Daniel Uemura, Josu00e9 Steimberg, Malu Rodrigues, Gregu00f3rio Duvivier, Bruno Gradim, Rodolfo Bottino
Director: Clu00e1udio Torres
Countrys: Brazil
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.7 | 5,508 | 2011-09-02 | 106 |