
TV producer Da-hye lived through a miserable childhood. Her parents fought all the time and finally divorced. Da-hye then found her prince charming and was engaged to marry him. Then on a rainy night, the day before her birthday, Da-hye’s friend Ji-seok calls and asks for a ride from her fiancé. When her fiance arrives, he finds out that Ji-seok has already gotten a ride from his sister Ji-min. As Da-hye’s fiancé walks back to his car he is hit by a motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle then turns around and fatally runs over her fiance.

Casts: Hye-Kyo Song, Ji-Hyun Nam, Chang-ui Song, Tae-young Ki, Kyung Jin, Ah-Mi Jung
Director: Lee Jeong-hyang, Jeong-hyang Lee
Countrys: SouthKorea

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
7.2 130 2011-10-27 119