Occupy Unmasked features the conservative visionary Andrew Breitbart and journalists Brandon Darby, David Horowitz, Pam Keys, Anita MonCrief, Mandy Nagy, and Lee Stranahan. Written and directed by award-winning director, Stephen K. Bannon (The Undefeated, Generation Zero) and produced by David N. Bossie (Border War, Perfect Valor), Occupy Unmasked is a shocking indictment of one of the most controversial movements in American history.
Casts: Saul Alinsky, Anthony Averest, Bill Ayers, Michelle Balin, Roseanne Barr, Joy Behar, Medea Benjamin, Wolf Blitzer, John Boehner, Andrew Breitbart, Sherrod Brown
Director: Stephen K. Bannon
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.8 | 537 | 2012-09-21 | 76 |