King Odysseus has been away from Ithaca for twenty years.The first ten he spent fighting the Trojan War the last ten he spent fighting to get home. Among his adventures is the tale Homer felt was too horrible to tell, the missing book of the Odyssey known as The Isle of the Mists. Here the Warrior King and his men face the Goddess of the Underworld and her winged horrific creatures.
Casts: Arnold Vosloo, Steve Bacic, JR Bourne, Stefanie von Pfetten, Randal Edwards, Leah Gibson, Sonya Salomaa, Perry Long, Michael Antonakos
Director: Terry Ingram
Countrys: UK,Romania,Canada
Watch Odysseus: Voyage to the Underworld
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.3 | 656 | 2008-02-15 | 88 |