In a country of 1.2 billion people and in a sport with billions of fans worldwide, there has yet to be a single Indian-born player drafted in the NBA. One in a Billion follows the global journey of Satnam Singh Bhamara from his home of Ballo Ke, a farming village in rural India, to the bright lights of New York City as he attempts to change history. Building up to a climactic draft night after years of hard work, Satnam hopes to finally create the long-awaited connection between India and the NBA.
Casts: Dan Barto, Balbir Singh Bhamara, Satnam Singh Bhamara, Larry Bird, Kim Bohuny, Mark Cuban, Teja Singh Dhaliwal, Vlade Divac, Gar Forman, Troy Justice, Sukwinder Kaur
Director: Roman Gackowski
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.5 | 360 | 2016-11-02 | 69 |