A girl who works at a bakery coincidentally finds herself face-to-face with a customer who was her crush at junior high school. The girl received a proposal from another man recently, but she did not accept leading to a break-up. The girl’s attitude towards love is different and fastidious. The customer has an ex-wife whom he still loves.
Casts: Mai Fukagawa, Kenjiru00f4 Yamashita, Sayuri Matsumura, Mai Shiraishi, Marika Itu00f4, Sara Shida, Megumi Abe, Yu00fbhi, Kei Otozuki
Director: Rikiya Imaizumi
Countrys: Japan
Watch Pan to Bus to Nidome no Hatsukoi
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.9 | 20 | 2018-02-17 | 111 |