Forlorn heiress Penelope Wilhern is cursed, and the only way out is to fall in love with someone of suitable stock. But how can she find her soul mate when she’s sequestered inside her family’s estate with only her parents to keep her company. This untraditional fairy tale about a girl who bucks convention to create her own happy ending.
Casts: Richard E. Grant, Catherine O'Hara, Nick Prideaux, Michael Feast, Christina Ricci, Ronni Ancona, Simon Woods, Paul Herbert, Simon Chandler, Peter Dinklage, Andi-Marie Townsend
Director: Mark Palansky, Sean Guest
Countrys: UK,USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.8 | 55,520 | 2006-03-01 | 103 |