Upon arriving in Cartagena, Colombia, American pilot Benjamin Grey’s passport and money are stolen leaving him stranded. Shortly after he receives a call from his son’s doctor, who informs him that he is his Leukemia-stricken son’s only chance for survival, and the clock is ticking
Casts: Ace Marrero, Estefania Borge, Salvatore Basile, Juan del Mar, Alberto Siples, Justin Ipock, Estivenson Rodriguez, Roberto Saenz, Hernu00e1n Daru00edo Avelino, Saeed Mathew Bahadori, Jessica Barros
Director: William S. Goldstein, Alberto Marenco
Countrys: Colombia
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.5 | 210 | 2016-05-08 | 87 |