Heroes Mickey and his best friend, Sully, are forced to take on a mission to save our country from the evil plans of Admiral Ironsides. The Admiral and his motley crew of modern day pirates have taken control of a large merchant ship with plans of deploying a new type of weapon that could destroy every electronic device on Earth. If Ironsides succeeds, it could be the end of the world as we know it.
Casts: Christopher Lloyd, Tia Carrere, Frank Collison, Patrika Darbo, Kenton Duty, Peter Adrian Sudarso, Savannah Jayde, Derek Brandon, Tim Holmes, Ric Sarabia, Ralph Lister
Director: Harold Cronk
Countrys: USA
Watch Pirate’s Code: The Adventures of Mickey Matson
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.5 | 202 | 2014-10-16 | 91 |