In central Gothenburg, Sweden, a group of boys, aged 12-14, robbed other children on about 40 occasions between 2006 and 2008. The thieves used an elaborate scheme called the ‘little brother number’ or ‘brother trick’, involving advanced role-play and gang rhetoric rather than physical violence.
Casts: Anas Abdirahman, Sebastian Blyckert, Yannick Diakitu00e9, Sebastian Hegmar, Abdiaziz Hilowle, Nana Manu, John Ortiz, Kevin Vaz, Jacob Ottander, Herman Troeng, Tobias u00c5kesson
Director: Ruben u00d6stlund
Countrys: Sweden,France
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.1 | 4,233 | 2011-05-15 | 118 |