
Helene loves to play poker for big money in men’s company. But one day she looses big time against bar manager Antonio. He grants her 24 hours to come up with the 50,000 Francs. She asks all of her friends, but nobody will help her. When she finally steals the money from her brother Stephane, she gets them into serious trouble — she didn’t know where he got it.

Casts: Caroline Cellier, Pierre Arditi, Jean-Philippe u00c9coffey, Jacques Mathou, Andru00e9 Julien, Franu00e7ois Berlu00e9and, Francis Arnaud, Charlie Nelson, Catherine Corringer, Henri Poirier, Michelle Bru00fblu00e9
Director: Catherine Corsini
Countrys: France

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6.1 36 1988-01-13 90