It tells the story of two young friends who must find a way for the president of the company in which they work (and father of one of them) safe return home, and that is enclosed strange circumstances naked in the trunk of his car.
Casts: Quim Gutiu00e9rrez, u00darsula Corberu00f3, Belu00e9n Ponce de Leu00f3n, Antonio Estrada, Pedro Mari Su00e1nchez, Juliu00e1n Villagru00e1n, Juan Fran Juu00e1rez, Cynthia Martu00edn, Josu00e9 u00c1ngel Egido, Sebastiu00e1n Haro, Ernesto Alterio
Director: Santi Amodeo, Paco R. Bau00f1os
Countrys: Spain
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.7 | 1,077 | 2013-11-15 | 86 |