Sen no Rikyu (Ebizo Ichikawa) is the son of a fish shop owner. Sen no Rikyu then studies tea and eventually becomes one of the primary influences upon the Japanese tea ceremony. With his elegant esthetics, Sen no Rikyu is favored by the most powerful man in Japan Toyotomi Hideyoshi (Nao Omori) and becomes one of his closest advisors. Due to conflicts, Toyotomi Hideyoshi then orders Sen no Rikyu to commit seppuku (suicide). Notes
Casts: Rei Dan, Akira Emoto, Seiji Fukushi, Yoshihiko Hakamada, Masatu00f4 Ibu, Ebizu00f4 Ichikawa, Yu00fbsuke Iseya, Naoki Kawano, Tomoka Kurotani, Clara Lee, Katsuo Nakamura
Director: Mitsutoshi Tanaka
Countrys: Japan
Watch Rikyû ni tazuneyo
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.5 | 159 | 2013-09-01 | 124 |