The tragicomic story of lone rebel Boddi Steingrimsson who lives in a small town in Northern Iceland. Boddi hates materialistic modern society in its entirety and on his blog-page he comically criticizes everything and everyone. Before long he has become an outlaw in his own hometown, just like his viking hero, Grettir. After a series of dramatic mishaps, he snaps and goes riding down south to the big city on his sturdy steed Nietzsche. He’s got a gun in his pocket. He’s ready for the revolution.
Casts: u00d3lafur Darri u00d3lafsson, u00deorsteinn Bachmann, Lu00e1ra Ju00f3hanna Ju00f3nsdu00f3ttir, Hilmir Snu00e6r Guu00f0nason, Stefu00e1n Hallur Stefu00e1nsson, Ju00f3hann Siguru00f0arson, Stefu00e1n Ju00f3nsson, u00deu00f3rhallur Siguru00f0sson, Vu00edkingur Kristju00e1nsson, Magnu00fas Ragnarsson, Steinn u00c1rmann Magnu00fasson
Director: Marteinn u00deu00f3rsson, Marteinn Thorsson
Countrys: Iceland
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.8 | 377 | 2011-01-14 | 111 |