This film focuses on contemporary 30- and 40-somethings trying to make sense of their lives in an age in which the old certainties have disappeared. Lorenzo and Davide make their lives together within a circle that includes Antonio and Angelica, married with children; Nerval and her policeman husband.
Casts: Stefano Accorsi, Margherita Buy, Pierfrancesco Favino, Serra Yilmaz, Ennio Fantastichini, Ambra Angiolini, Luca Argentero, Filippo Timi, Michelangelo Tommaso, Milena Vukotic, Luigi Diberti
Director: Ferzan u00d6zpetek, Ferzan Ozpetek
Countrys: Italy,France,Turkey
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.7 | 3,869 | 2007-02-23 | 110 |