Two friends go separate ways after witnessing a crime in their youth. One moves to the south, the other to the mean streets of Philly. After reuniting as young adults “Lit” makes plans for his college-bound friend “Boo” and introduces him to a world of big money, fast living, and unlimited sex. Boo has a big heart and a thick skull with plenty of haters, and when his character gets tested in life and love, it’s unknown if he has what it takes to survive.
Casts: Jason Boyle, Jake Gee, Stacey Gee, Marsha Goolcharan, Jae Greene, J. Holiday, Erica Hubbard, Alexis Miranda, Elise Neal, Loren Paul, Rahvaunia
Director: Ernest 'Tron' Anderson
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.4 | 17 | 2013-02-19 | 86 |