A Mexican biologist living in New York returns to his hometown, nestled in the majestic butterfly forests of Michoacán. The journey forces him to confront past traumas and reflect on his hybrid identity, sparking a personal metamorphosis.
Casts: Paulina Gaitan, William Mapother, Tenoch Huerta, Angu00e9lica Aragu00f3n, Electra Avellan, Nou00e9 Hernu00e1ndez, Alexia Rasmussen, Emily Keefe, Angelina Pelu00e1ez, Jay Potter, Jarod Lindsey
Director: Alexis Gambis
Countrys: Mexico,UnitedStates
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.6 | 114 | 2021-10-15 | 97 |