Three beautiful Space Babes find themselves stranded on Earth when their spaceship runs out of energy after a dangerous encounter with their mortal enemies, the Scrotes. Once they discover human sexual arousal can recharge their ship, they accept the help of a lonely farm boy to harness energy at a local strip club and get back home — all while avoiding the nasty Scrotes.
Casts: Ellie Church, Brian Papandrea, Allison Maier, Alyss Winkler, Josh Arnold, Jason Hignite, Jason Crowe, Lucretia Lynn, Susan M. Martin, Sadie Tate, Haley Madison
Director: Brian Williams, Brian K. Williams
Countrys: USA
Watch Space Babes from Outer Space
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.9 | 163 | 2017-05-20 | 81 |