Three directors each adapt a Poe short story to the screen: “Toby Dammit” features a disheveled drugged and drunk English movie star who nods acceptance in the Italian press and his producers fawn over him. “Metzengerstein” features a Mediveal countess who has a love-hate relationship with a black stallion – who it turns out is really her dead lover. “William Wilson” tells the story of a sadistic Austrian student with an exact double whom he later kills.
Casts: Brigitte Bardot, Alain Delon, Jane Fonda, Terence Stamp, James Robertson Justice, Salvo Randone, Franu00e7oise Pru00e9vost, Peter Fonda, Marlu00e8ne Alexandre, David Bresson, Katia Christine
Director: Federico Fellini, Louis Malle, Roger Vadim, Vana Caruso, Michel Clu00e9ment, Jean-Michel Lacor, Eschilo Tarquini, Serge Vallin, Francesco Aluigi, Liliane Betti
Countrys: France,Italy
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.6 | 4,683 | 1968-05-16 | 121 |