On a mission to sell his last remaining prize hog and reunite with old friends, an aging farmer abandons his foreclosed farm and journeys to Mexico. After smuggling in the hog, his estranged daughter shows up, forcing them to face their past and embark on an adventurous road trip together.
Casts: Danny Glover, Maya Rudolph, Josu00e9 Maru00eda Yazpik, Joel Murray, Angu00e9lica Aragu00f3n, Gabriela Araujo, Paulino Partida, Johanna Murillo, Juan Pablo Medina, Nadia Bastarrachea, Erick Blackmer
Director: Diego Luna
Countrys: Mexico
Watch Sr. Pig
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.7 | 800 | 2016-07-22 | 100 |