Bud’s a good ole’ boy brought up on Bluegrass and Moonshine. While supplying the surrounding counties with its Marijuana supply, Bud has a hefty growing operation. However, this is not Bud’s only secret. He has a much darker one. One that lies trapped under his cabin in the rural hills of Eastern Kentucky. What will happen when two people stand in the way of everything Bud has worked for? How much blood will have to spill?
Casts: Karen Boles, Nathan Day, Stacey T. Gillespie, Kevin Taylor, Billy W. Blackwell, Chris Begley, Deborah Tucker, Belinda Cooke, David Workman, Tom M. Niehaus, Debbie Rochon
Director: Jacob Ennis
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
3.1 | 252 | 2007-11-04 | 97 |