Brenda moved to London to begin living those intoxicated fantasies that all young women imagine city life to offer. Soon after her arrival she begins a relationship with Peter with whom she is tremendously happy. When she becomes pregnant Peter’s behaviour towards her alters as he reveals the most frightening and unpredictable side of his personality. He forces Brenda to listen to a series of recordings, exposing a past of shocking cruelty of sadistic murder.
Casts: Rita Tushingham, Shane Briant, James Bolam, Katya Wyeth, Annie Ross, Tom Bell, Claire Kelly, Harold Berens, John Clive, Tommy Godfrey, Mavis Villiers
Director: Peter Collinson
Countrys: UK
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.5 | 1972-07-09 | 96 |