Elizabeth, a voluptuous, shy and unpopular girl, is the object of ridicule at school by the cool in-crowd. Her life spirals downward after the death of her only friend, her grandmother. But she has a crush on a popular boy at school, and a deranged plan to make all her dreams come true!
Casts: Amin Ait Bihi, Mees Bink, Sanneke Bos, Yolanthe Cabau, Tatum Dagelet, Yldau de Boer, Steven de Jong, Wietske de Jong, Fleur de Lisle, Andre de Zee, Rosalinde den Outer
Director: Steven de Jong
Countrys: Netherlands
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.6 | 201 | 2014-06-11 | 112 |