A millenary language agonizes: Its last two speakers, Evaristo and Isauro (70´s) had a quarrel 50 years ago and haven’t spoken to each other since. Martin, a linguist, will undertake the challenge of bringing the two old friends back together and convince them to talk again in order for him to be able to obtain a record of the language. Yet, hidden in the past, in the core of the jungle, lies a secret hidden in the language that makes it difficult to believe that the heart of Zikril will beat again.
Casts: Fernando u00c1lvarez Rebeil, Josu00e9 Manuel Poncelis, Eligio Melu00e9ndez, Fu00e1tima Molina, Juan Pablo de Santiago, Hoze Melu00e9ndez, Norma Angu00e9lica, Monica Miguel, Nicolasa Ortu00edz Monasterio, Hu00e9ctor Jimu00e9nez, Josu00e9 Concepciu00f3n Macu00edas
Director: Ernesto Contreras
Countrys: Mexico,Netherlands
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.5 | 734 | 2017-01-23 | 101 |