Jean-François, Ronald, Alexis, Cédric, Benoit and Maxim are gladiators of modern times. From the strongman to the top-class bodybuilder, to the veteran who has become a trainer, they all share the same definition and obsession with overcoming their limitations. They are waiting for the next competition, working hard in the gym and following extreme diets.
Casts: Jean-Franu00e7ois Bouchard, Cu00e9dric Doyon, Benoit Lapierre, Maxim Lemire, Alexis Lu00e9garu00e9, Ronald Yang
Director: Denis Cu00f4tu00e9
Countrys: Canada,Switzerland
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.1 | 134 | 2018-03-15 | 94 |