Shame, the ape man of the jungle, is aghast when his woman, June, is kidnapped by a gang of giant penises. They take her to their queen, Bazunga, a bald woman with fourteen breasts. After tangling with a gang of great white hunters, a marauding lion and the Molar Men, Shame sets off to rescue her with only his faithful friend Flicka at his side. He heads for that darkest of areas
Casts: Bernard Dhu00e9ran, Claude Bertrand, Roger Carel
Director: Boris Szulzinger, Picha, Bernard De Visscher
Countrys: France,Belgium
Watch Tarzoon: Shame of the Jungle!
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5 | 1407 | 1975-09-04 | 68 |