This documentary examines the 80 year career of journalist George Seldes, his encounters with Lenin and J. Edgar Hoover, his long battle against press censorship, the tobacco lobby, and his eventual blacklisting.With Ben Bagdikian, Jeff Cohen, Daliel Ellsberg, Ralph Nader, and Marian Seldes
Casts: Susan Sarandon, Edward Asner, Ben Bagdikian, Jeff Cohen, Daniel Ellsberg, Nat Hentoff, Russ Holcomb, Jack Hollander, Lorri Holt, Phillip Knightley, Colman McCarthy
Director: Rick Goldsmith
Countrys: USA
Watch Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
8.3 | 96 | 1996-12-01 | 111 |