On Feb. 28th, 2009 near the tiny village of Santa Rosa, the OCP pipeline breaks in Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest. An estimated 14,000 barrels of crude spill into the Napo and Coca Rivers, both of which are tributaries of the Amazon River. Framed within Ecuador’s new pro-environment constitution, that set the first legal precedent for a Bill of Rights, not for corporations, but for the Earth as a living organism with inherent rights and legal protections, the film looks at the Santa Rosa spill, contamination left by the Petroleum Industry, and the people living in the planet’s most biologically diverse Rainforest. The film then tells the story of refugees in Ecuador’s northern border who have been displaced by the Colombian conflict, and takes a hard look at the relationship between contamination, human rights abuses, and coca eradication programs. Written by Joshua Spencer
Casts: Blanquita Grefa, Joshua Spencer
Director: Joshua Spencer
Countrys: USA,Ecuador
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
80 |