Behind the Iron Curtain, Geri leaves for college, looks forward to meeting girls and partying and joins a group of radicals led by the charismatic Száva. But Geri has a secret. He’s an informant of the totalitarian state and to save his brother, he’s been forced to spy on his new friends for State Security.
Casts: Gergely Vu00e1radi, Mu00e1rton Patku00f3s, Thuru00f3czy Szabolcs, Benju00e1min Lengyel, u00c1du00e1m Varga, Richu00e1rd Borbu00e9ly, Ju00falia Szu00e1sz, Abigu00e9l Szu0151ke, Szabolcs Thuru00f3czy, Borbu00e9ly Richu00e1rd, Luca Mu00e1rkus, Judit Gigi Vas, Zsombor Ju00e9ger, Gyu00f6rgy Mu00e9hu00e9sz
Director: Bu00e1lint Szentgyu00f6rgyi, n/A
Countrys: Hungary
Studios: Proton Cinema
Networks: HBO Max
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Season 1
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime | Status |
8.5 | 2 | n/A | 43 | Returning Series |