During the day Paola is an ordinary primary school teacher, but at night, she turns into…The Christmas Witch, a magical creature who brings gifts to the good kids. One night, Paola disappears, kidnapped by Mr. Johnny, a cruel Toymaker who got his childhood ruined by the Witch and is now seeking revenge. A group of six brave pupils who found out their teacher’s secret, will live an extraordinary adventure to rescue her. Will they be able to save Paola and Christmas?
Casts: Paola Cortellesi, Stefano Fresi, Fausto Maria Sciarappa, Giovanni Calcagno, Giuseppe Lo Piccolo, Luca Avagliano, Francesco Mura, Clu00f2e Romagnoli, Diego Delpiano, Odette Adado, Jasper Gonzales Cabal
Director: Michele Soavi
Countrys: Italy,Spain
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.1 | 274 | 2018-12-27 | 98 |