The Night is a psychological thriller that follows an Iranian couple, Babak and Neda, and their one-year-old daughter, Shabnam. Returning home from a friend’s gathering, Babak drives drunkenly, too stubborn to let Neda drive with a suspended license. When Babak’s driving threatens the safety of the family, Neda insists they stay the night at a hotel. Once they check-in, Babak and Neda find themselves imprisoned, forced to face the secrets they’ve kept from each other. And though the clock moves forward, “the night” never ends.
Casts: Shahab Hosseini, Niousha Noor, George Maguire, Michael Graham, Elester Latham, Armin Amiri, Steph Martinez, Kathreen Khavari, Gia Mora, Leah Oganyan, Lily V.K.
Director: Kourosh Ahari
Countrys: USA,Iran
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
8.1 | 356 | 2020-01-18 | 105 |