A woman and her 14-year-old daughter, who is a sleepwalker, in the midst of awakening. A marriage on the edges of a silenced crisis. A ritualistic, matriarchal, and endogamous family. Grandmother, siblings, cousins. A new summer, sweat, alcohol, traditions. Naked bodies, changing bodies, and the gazes upon those emerging bodies. A new New Year’s celebration in the old historic family mansion is the trap for the sleepwalkers to finally awaken.
Casts: Erica Rivas, Ornella D'Elu00eda, Marilu00fa Marini
Director: Veru00f3nica Biasin, Mariano Biasin, Federico Lucas Hernandez, Florencia Momo, Paula Hernu00e1ndez
Countrys: Argentina,Uruguay
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.4 | 1018 | 2019-09-25 | 107 |