Jacques Duval devises a fiendishly clever method of murdering his wife. Doping her up with sleeping tablets, Duval places his wife in a sealed room, then opens all the gas jets. While the police identify the body, Duval remains hidden in the room, breathing through a snorkel, then makes his escape when the authorities leave. Only one flaw in this perfect crime: Duval’s stepdaughter (Mandy Miller) is the suspicious type.
Casts: Peter van Eyck, Betta St. John, Mandy Miller, Gru00e9goire Aslan, William Franklyn, Marie Burke, Henri Vidon, Flush
Director: Guy Green
Countrys: UK,USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.3 | 919 | 1958-09-17 | 90 |