Ayano Mishima works as an AD at a TV broadcasting station. She covers the mysterious death case of a young man. Before he died, he said that somebody was watching him. Covering the case, Ayano Mishima realizes that the mysterious eye is also coming after her.
Casts: Chizuru Azuma, Tetsuhiro Ikeda, Mari Iriki, Kokoa Ishii, Masanori Ishii, Tomomi Itano, Ryu00f4ta Ozawa, Shun'ya Shiraishi, Yu00fbki Tamaki, Shiru00f4 Tsubuyaki, Ku00f4taru00f4 Yoshida
Director: Koichiro Miki, Ku00f4ichiru00f4 Miki
Countrys: Japan
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.1 | 40 | 2016-04-02 | 99 |