In the Tale of the Voodoo Prostitute, a master manipulator and hustler by the name of Fleetwood Deville dispenses heinous wrong-doings to nearly everyone that crosses his path. One particular female managed to meet and exceed any expectation of evil. She cursed Fleetwood to a fate even worse than death: impotence. With his harem of beautiful women and killers, Fleetwood must rival neighboring pimps to free himself from a curse that if left undone would not only take his manhood, but possibly his life. This film is based in the mean streets and interminglings of the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.
Casts: Jayde Kelley, Heather McCormick, Charles Buchanan, Martin Ezelle, Joshua Winch, Trent Hotman, Kenneth Duane, Derrick Pointer, Roger Nelson, Ron Clemons, Christina Roz
Director: Chaz Buchanan
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
3.5 | 51 | 75 |