The mighty warrior, Kain, crosses the barren wastelands of the planet Ura, where two arch enemies, Zeg and the evil degenerate Balcaz, fight incessantly for control of the village’s only well. Kain sees his opportunity and announces that his sword is for hire… but his eyes stay clearly on the beautiful captive sorceress Naja, and his newly awakened purpose.
Casts: David Carradine, Luke Askew, Maria Socas, Anthony De Longis, Harry Townes, Guillermo Maru00edn, Armando Capo, Daniel March, John Overby, Richard Paley, Marcos Woinsky
Director: John C. Broderick
Countrys: Argentina,USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.5 | 1,227 | 1984-09-07 | 81 |