In trouble with the local authorities, Mabel Simmons, notoriously known as Madea, is on the run from the law. With no place to turn, she moves in with her friend Bam who is recovering from surgery. Unbeknownst to Bam however, Madea is only using the “concerned friend” gag as a way to hide out from the police.
Casts: Cassi Davis, Rhonda Davis, Tony Hightower, Maurice Lauchner, Dorsey Levens, Tasha Page Lockhart, La Toya London, Claudette Ortiz, Tyler Perry, David Stewart
Director: Tyler Perry
Countrys: USA
Watch Tyler Perry’s: Madea on the Run
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.5 | 256 | 2017-01-31 | 141 |