In an attempt to fix his financial problems, Erik recruits his brother, Atli, to help him import a shipment of cocaine into Iceland. Erik thinks he’s got things all figured out, until the young Polish “mule” they’ve hired is unable to pass the drugs through her system.
Casts: Ingvar Sigurdsson, Gu00edsli u00d6rn Garu00f0arsson, Marijana Jankovic, Anna Pru00f3chniak, Baltasar Breki Samper, Steinunn u00d3lu00edna u00deorsteinsdu00f3ttir, Sveinn u00d3lafur Gunnarsson, Siguru00f0ur Sigurju00f3nsson, Kristu00edn u00deu00f3ra Haraldsdu00f3ttir, Ru00fanar Freyr Gu00edslason, Gunnar Bersi Bju00f6rnsson
Director: Bu00f6rkur Sigu00feu00f3rsson
Countrys: Iceland,Denmark,Sweden
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.7 | 246 | 2018-05-04 | 95 |