Two Swedish business men are kidnapped in Rome by the Mob, and moved to Sicily. Carl Hamilton is sent to Sicily on direct order from the Swedish Government. He is sent to negotiate for their release. Hamiltons partner and best friend, Lundwall, is murdered by the Mob. Hamilton is dragged into a bitter and brutal vendetta between himself and the Mob-leader Don Tommaso.
Casts: Stefan Sauk, Pasquale Anselmo, Carlo Barsotti, Renato Carpentieri, Leonardo De Carmine, Luigi Di Fiore, Antonio Di Ponziano, Stig Engstru00f6m, Ennio Fantastichini, Per Graffman, Bju00f6rn Granath
Director: Mikael Hu00e5fstru00f6m
Countrys: Sweden,Germany,Italy
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.9 | 854 | 1995-02-10 | 135 |