Szabolcs plays in a German football team, as does Bernard. They are roommates, best friends, inseparable. A lost match makes him reconsider his life and he goes back to Hungary in hope for more simplicity. Yet his solitude does not last long. Soon after his arrival he meets Áron and a mutual attraction between the two boys develops when suddenly Szabolcs receives an unexpected phone call from Bernard: he has arrived to Hungary…
Casts: Andru00e1s Su00fctu00f6, u00c1du00e1m Varga, Sebastian Urzendowsky, Eniku00f6 Bu00f6rcsu00f6k, Lajos Ottu00f3 Horvu00e1th, Zita Tu00e9by, Uwe Lauer, Kristu00f3f Horvu00e1th, Gu00e1bor Szabu00f3, Szabolcs Fu00e1biu00e1n, Zsolt Nyu00e1ri
Director: u00c1du00e1m Csu00e1szi
Countrys: Hungary,Germany
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.7 | 2,672 | 2014-02-08 | 105 |