Youngstown, Ohio is a city with a negative reputation. It has been called Steel Town, Crime Town USA & Murder Town Ohio, but these days, residents just call it Ytown. This documentary finally gives the people of Ytown a chance to tell their story of survival and talk about issues such as the fall of the steel industry, the influence of the Italian mafia, corruption, assassinations, an inordinate output of successful professional athletes and every day life in a blue collar town.
Casts: Ed O'Neill, Ray 'Boom Boom' Mancini, Jim Cummings, Allan May, Kelly Pavlik, Denise York, Rick Porrello, Paul Gains, William Dibbie DeAngelo, Joe DeAngelo, Jim DiCioccio
Director: Johnny Chechitelli
Countrys: USA
Watch Youngstown: Still Standing
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
8.7 | 46 | 2010-03-24 | 89 |